Planet Earth, including humanity, nature and its inhabitants, is home to us all. What the future will look like depends on the present, which each of us shapes today, influencing what is happening in the world. Regardless of where we live and what we do, it is important to have a conscious, creative attitude towards everything that surrounds us.
We thank all partners and readers who support our edition.
Editorial office:
Y.A. Perkhova,
co-founder, editor in chief, design and layout of the journal pages
V.A. Perkhova,
co-founder, commissioning editor, PR
Oksana Lisynova,
Tatyana Aleksandrova,
Leonid Grigoriev,
Nataliya Lashkina,
Information of the edition Ecology&Business:
Registration certificate: ПИ №ФС77-68411 от 31.01.2017
Issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications,
information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor).
Age category: (0+)
Circulation: 1500 copies, 4 issues per year.
Printing office: ООО «Поли Принт Сервис»
127015, Moscow, Bytirskaya st., bld. 86.
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